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Transmission and Clutch Repairs for Lynwood Drivers

ATL has the experience and expertise to provide top-notch transmission and clutch repair for both manual and automatic vehicles. We are proud to serve Lynwood drivers and keep them safe on the road. Whether you drive a stick for the fun of it or you own a vintage collector’s car, you can count on us for key repairs and maintenance. If you notice that shifting gears has become more difficult than usual drop by so we can take a look and give you peace of mind. Take advantage of our free estimates on transmission and clutch repairs for all makes and models of domestic and foreign vehicles.

transmission repair

When Should You Have Transmission Examined

Your transmission and clutch are subject to wear and tear from the regular use of your vehicle. Additionally, sitting in traffic when you have to stop and go often can accelerate this process and cause further damage. Transmission fluid leaks are caused by cracks in your transmission’s rubber front seal that can be a product of significant temperature variations. Routine tune-ups and inspections can spot these issues and help address them before they grow into an emergency. If you notice that your clutch doesn’t catch on unless you push down the peddle harder than usual, it might be time for an inspection and professional assessment.

Get Your Free Estimates So You Can Enjoy a Safe Ride

Our dedicated team of expert technicians has years of experience with anything from sealing problems to structural issues. We have seen and addressed all sorts of routine and complex transmission issues in our ATL Lynwood shop. Bring your vehicle for transmission and clutch repair if you see any of the following: slipping gears, difficult shifting, a transmission fluid leak, or a bumpy ride in general. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to request a free estimate.

Drive in for a Free Estimate Today!