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Bring Comfort to Your Drive with Our A/C and Heating Repairs

If you are having air conditioning an heating troubles that make your drive uncomfortable let the ATL Lynwood specialists take a look. Your safety and comfort are our top priority. You can count on us for routine maintenance, replacements, and repair. We also offer free estimates and complete tune-ups.

checking car air conditioning

Signs Your A/C or Heater Needs Repair

Some of the key signs your car’s air conditioning and heating system needs attetion are:

  • No hot or cool air coming through your vents – This is a major indicator that your systems are not performing as intended and need repair.
  • A weak airflow – This is a sign your system can be running on low efficiency and might need maintenance or replacement.
  • Noticeable moisture around your compressor – This can be a sign of deeper issues and that your car needs a systems inspection.
  • Strange odors coming from your vents – Odors coming from the vents can indicate a leak that can cause further trouble if left unchecked.
two men looking under car

What to Expect at ATL Lynwood

Our friendly and professional team will welcome you in and inspect the necessary components of your vehicle before giving you a free estimate. We will check all the usual suspects, including your compressors, belts, thermal expansion valves, condensers and levels of refrigerant solutions. Only then we will be able to locate the problem and offer solutions.

Keep in mind that routine maintenance is the best way to keep your AC system in check while avoiding future breakdowns. You can also fully trust in our professional team as they will only recommend the most cost effective solution to your specific case. If replacing a component makes more sense than replacing the entire system that is what we will communicate to you. Contact us to learn more about auto AC repairs in Lynwood or to request your free estimate.

Repairs or Replacement

Once we locate the issue, we can suggest repair or replacement of individual parts or the entire system. In some cases replacing a component like a compressor or a belt will be enough to solve the problem at a much lower cost than replacing the entire system. Our team will present the solutions to you and offer their expert opinion always thinking what is best for you. We offer fast and affordable service and strive to get you back on the road safely and in comfort in any season.

Drive in for a Free Estimate Today!